(Panicum elegans) If you’d love the ease of making an elegant bouquet quickly or simply want a sumptuous and airy backdrop to your (life) garden, I think I have your answer. The answers to questions you were unaware you had are always the best anyway. We love this. It feels like there are unknown and possibly discoverable worlds hiding under the masses of waving wands and sparkler like green/bronze explosions that arise from mounds of long green grass leaves. Frosted Explosion while exquisite on its own, is a voluptuous filler, can be used both fresh and dried and is almost like having your very own meadow. Perfect in pots and/or interplanted among any of your favorite flowers. I know we ask this of you too often, but trust us on this one. 40” at peak maturity. Keep cut for fresh regrowth and if wanting to avoid re-seeding. (Sometimes mistakenly referred to as “Fiber Optics Grass”, which is actually an ornamental sedge.) ~90 days. UO
Packet: 100 seeds
Growing Info
Sow indoors 5-6 weeks before your last frost.
Transplant out after last frost.
Note: Best transplanted as it can easily be mistaken for other grasses. Cut plumes often to avoid re-seeding.
Lightly cover
7-14 days @ soil temp 60-65F.
Full sun
Average. Prefers well-drained, and evenly moist soil.
Keep harvesting for continual cuttings.
Harvest when you like and expect a vase life of 2 weeks or longer.
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