(Melothria scabra) Most commonly known as Sandita or Sandia de Raton (little watermelon or little mouse melon), this unusual little fruit is native to Mexico and Central America and has been a dietary staple since pre-Columbian times. Crunchy with a bright, lemony, almost pickled cucumber taste, they grow on tall, 6-8’ vines covered with lovely little leaves. Profusions of smooth-skinned 1-2” little green and white speckled watermelon-looking and shaped fruit (think, fairy watermelons!) take hold quickly and are easily gathered from the ground where they fall when most ripe. They are delicious eaten raw, added to salsa and salads, as well as pickled or eaten as a juicy snack. Additionally, in warmer climates (or greenhouses grown in the north), plants produce edible tubers that are similar in appearance to crosnes or Chinese artichokes. Dr. Brandon Iker of Grand Rapids, MI who brought this to our attention (and provided the root picture) describes the taste as “cucumber-corn-radishes… sweet starchy and crunchy”. Drought resistant and long keeping both on and off the vine. A fun way to add diversity and delicious fruit to your garden! Wonderful grown vertically on a trellis.
65-70 days. UO
Packet: 35 seeds
[split]Growing Info
Sow indoors 3-4 weeks before your last frost date. Keep soil moist before emergence, growing at 80-90F, reducing to 75F.
Transplant out 2-3 weeks after your last frost date when the soil has sufficiently warmed.
Direct sow after 2-3 weeks after the last frost when soil is 70F+.
Note: Provide ample and even water when transplanting, and take care not to disturb roots.
12-24″ at 3-4′ between rows.
5-14 days @ soil temp 75-85F
Full sun
Medium to high. Prefers well-drained, evenly moist, and well-balanced fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.
Be gentle while transplanting to keep the root system undisturbed.
Consistent warmth and water are essential.
Row cover may be used for extra warmth and possibly earlier fruit set. Remove as plants begin to flower.
So tall! Provide support.
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