(Trigonella caerulea) Long a fan of fenugreek as a pizza topping, our friend Sarah Minnick of Portland pizza staple Lovely’s Fifty/Fifty had been sourcing the more common species (Trigonella foenum-graecum) from local farms around the city. Since that species requires too long a season to reliably produce seed in the northwest, growers have depended on ill-adapted varieties, mostly from hot, arid climates like Egypt and India. During a visit to the north of Italy, she met a baker who grew, in addition to his own grains, a species of fenugreek adapted to the shorter alpine growing season there for use in the traditional Tyrolean bread Pustrer Breatln. Connecting us at Uprising Seeds with Italian friend Myrtha facilitated an exchange of seeds, and the great PNW blue fenugreek project began. In addition to bread, the herb is also used to flavor alpine cheeses in neighboring Switzerland and is used extensively in Georgian cuisine as an ingredient in the spice mix khmeli suneli. It has an amazing fragrance of maple syrup and a complex, mildly bitter flavor. The first season of growing it in the PNW was a complete success for both fresh herb production and seed production.
50 -60 days. UO
Packet: 200 seeds
*Our seed came back from the lab with a very high germination rate, but also a high rate of “hard seed” (a primitive form of seed dormancy) which may cause the seed to germinate over a somewhat erratic timeframe.
Growing Info
Sow indoors early-mid Spring.
Transplant out after your last frost.
Direct sow after your last frost.
Note: Prefers to be direct seeded.
12″ between plants in rows 12″ apart.
5-10 days @ soil temp 55-65F
Full sun
Moderate. Well-drained, evenly moist, and loamy soil is preferred. Somewhat dry soils are tolerated.
Cut whole plants for drying.
Loved by pollinators.
Make bread!
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