(H. anuus) We’ve been quite taken by this sunflower since we first saw it over a decade ago. 7-8’ plants produce a single stunning flower head to 10″ across, with an unusual fuzzy lime green center that eventually fleshes out with seeds as it matures. Huge heads droop downward at maturity offering some protection from birds, but its best to cover them with netting if saving for seed. Delicious white seeds.
90 days. WF
Packet: 35 seeds
Growing Info
Sow outdoors after your last frost.
Note: Sunflowers are best sown outdoors in full sun. They prefer infrequent but deep watering.
12-18″ in rows 24-36″ apart.
7-14 days @ soil temp 70-75F.
Full sun
Average to heavy. Prefer loamy and well-drained, soil and balanced fertility.
Beware of providing excess Nitrogen as this may cause odd flower shapes.
Tolerant of many soil types.
Wonderful white seeds for snacking, but you may need to net or bag to protect from curious and hungry critters. Better yet, share and enjoy the company! So. Many. Birds.
Attract birds, butterflies, children (who are the best of us), pollinators and small critters of all types.
Sunflowers are heliotropic when young (look it up!), much like many of us in the PNW.
Blooms can be cut from bud to open flower with varying vase life. We like to place them in warm to hot water in a cool shady spot.
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