(Brassica oleracea) Open-pollinated broccoli has been long neglected in the realm of seed breeding. Several years ago, our extensive trials of all the OP varieties then available proved to be fairly discouraging, with one exception. Umpqua was simply head and shoulders above the pack in growth and flavor. We have often seen Umpqua described in catalogs with the kiss-of-death descriptor, “best suited for home gardens.” Really? We happily grew Umpqua for fresh market and CSA for years and were impressed with its color, taste, vigor, and head size. Growing quite large when given good fertility, it matures over a period of about two weeks with strong side shoots for a couple of weeks more. We’ll leave the “farm suited” weirdly dense, month-long shelf life, tastes-like-cardboard, 10-acres-ready-to-cut-at-7:42AM-sharp-on-Tuesday-July-6th-just-in-time-to-meet-the-truck, modern hybrids to those whose businesses require such qualities. Umpqua is sweet and succulent and has absolutely ruined our children for grocery store broccoli! Great for fresh market but not a shipper.
65-80 days. UO. MP
Packet: 100 seeds
*This seed has tested negative for both Black Leg (Phoma lingam) and Black Rot (Xanthomonas campestris) as required by the WA Dept of Ag crucifer seed quarantine.
Growing Info
Indoors, 4-6 weeks before your last frost date.
Transplant out 2-4 weeks before last mild frost.
Note: Broccoli prefers well drained soil with high organic matter, consistent water, and cooler temperatures for optimal growth although warmer temperatures will be tolerated.
18″ spacing in rows 24-30″ apart.
5-14 days @ soil temp 55-75F
Full sun to part shade
Medium-Heavy. Prefers well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0-7.5.
Broccoli will reward you with abundant side shoots for weeks, especially if you continue to harvest them.
Broccoli does best in cooler weather.
Consistent water is essential!
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