(Papaver somniferum) Why, Hellooo my brilliant red, white, and lacy friend! Not one to shy away from direct attention or compliments and sure to distract and titillate…perfect for the bedside table. Ahem. I mean the bees. Need I say more? Oh yes, a copious amount of seeds if you desire the addition to your sweets, your savories, your…Distinct white cross pattern over lipstick red deeply cut petals. 3’ tall.
80-90 days. UO
Packet: 300 seeds
Growing Info
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost.
Transplant out early Spring.
Direct sow in late Fall or early Spring.
Note: We transplant all our poppies in the Spring because, such small seeds and such hungry slugs! Take care to keep plants from becoming root-bound and be gentle when transplanting. Poppies prefer cool soil. Slugs LOVE poppy plants so keep and eye out!
Lightly cover to 1/8″
8-12″ in rows 1.5-2′ apart.
7-21 days @ soil temp 50-70F
Full sun to part shade
Low to average. Tolerant to most soil types but prefers well-drained and evenly moist soil with a pH between 6.0-7. Will tolerate low fertility.
While not absolutely necessary, you may provide a staking or netting to keep them upright and tidy.
Be gentle with the roots when transplanting to avoid transplant shock that can cause very slow growth.
Transplant into cool soil.
Continue to cut and deadhead and the plants will be wildly floriferous!
Harvest at bud break and sear stem ends in boiling water (about 10 seconds) for a vase life of 2-4 days. As this is a culinary poppy, your goal may be to let the pods dry on the plant and harvest (we look for the stem right under the pods to be dry) for all the baked treats to come!
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