(Silene inflata) We are seriously charmed by this culinary oddity. Guaranteed NOT to be the next big thing anytime soon, Sculpit (AKA “stridolo”) is for the adventurous lover of the esoteric. An aromatic leaf-herb all but unknown outside its native Italy, where it is revered, it is used to season egg dishes, risottos, and salads with a flavor likened to a combination of tarragon, arugula, and radicchio. Very ornamental, it has small, unusually stunning balloon-like flowers fringed with white petals that pollinators go wild for.
We love watching the bees climb fully out of sight into the balloon part of the flower. Long stems beg to be in flower bouquets! Highly recommended. We love this plant! Cut young greens for herbs use or let them grow to 1’5′ for many long-stemmed flowers that have lovely pods thereafter. Perennial.
60 Days herb/90 Days flower. UO
Packet: ~300 seeds
[split]Growing Info
Sow 5-6 weeks before your last frost.
Transplant out after your last frost.
Note: Patience! Seeds may take up to 30 days to germinate.
Lightly cover
8-10″ between plants and rows.
7-10 days @ soil temp 55-75F
Full sun to part shade.
Moderate. Fertile and well-drained, evenly moist, loamy soil is preferred.
Best eating quality before flowering.
Cut and come again!
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