(Brassica juncea) This spicy little number found its way into our salad mix several years back. Delicate deeply lobed leaves and rich purple color (a la “Osaka Purple” but more uniformly colored) add a unique color/texture combo for baby greens. The flavor is fairly fiery in the mustard sense and would be perfect in a spicy mesclun, but we even added it judiciously to our regular mix with nary a complaint. Mature leaves are beautiful bunched.
21 days baby, 35 days bunching/braising. UO
Packet: 1g (~500 seeds)
*This seed has tested negative for both Black Leg (Phoma lingam) and Black Rot (Xanthomonus campestris) as required by the WA Dept of Ag crucifer seed quarantine.
[split]Growing Info
Direct sow 4-6 weeks before your last frost date through late summer or sow indoors late Winter-early Spring.
Note: Floating row cover is very helpful in controlling damage from flea beetles.
2-12″ at 12-18″ between rows.
4-10 days @ soil temp 50-85F
Full sun to part shade
Moderate. Prefers well-drained, evenly moist, and well-balanced fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.
Can be sown every 2 weeks until a few weeks before your last frost for continued harvest.
Cut and come again every week or two.
Keep soil evenly moist until emergence.
Floating row covers can be used to help prevent flea beetle damage.
Prefers cooler weather of Spring and Fall. Hot Summer weather may cause premature bolting.
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