(C. melo) This rare and recently recovered ancient Italian melon variety was historically grown in Lombardy and Emilio Romagna (in the area between Montova, Parma, and Reggio Emilia), and is starting seeing a comeback thanks to a handful of small biodiversity-focused seed companies in Europe. Lightly ribbed and speckled spherical fruits ripen from green to straw color on the outside with very juicy and sweet yellow/green flesh. Not one for shipping on account of its high water content, Moscatello is one to be treasured locally.
85-90 days. UO
Packet: 25 seeds
[split]Growing Info
Sow indoors 3-4 weeks before your last frost date. Keep soil moist before emergence, growing at 80-90F, reducing to 75F.
Transplant out 2-3 weeks after your last frost date, when soil has sufficiently warmed.
Direct sow after 2-3 weeks after last frost when soil is 70F+.
Note: Provide ample and even water when transplanting, and take care not to disturb roots.
18-24″ spacing in rows 5′ apart.
5-10 days @ soil temp 75-85F
Full sun
Medium. Prefers well-drained, evenly moist, and well-balanced fertile soil with a pH of 6.5-7. Avoid the addition of excess Nitrogen to soil. Phosphorus and potassium are key for healthy fruit set.
Be gentle while transplanting to keep root system undisturbed.
Consistent warmth and water is essential.
Row cover may be used for extra warmth and possible earlier fruit set. Remove as plants begin to flower.
Keep transplants through fruit set well watered. Cut back water a week or so before ripe to avoid bland tasting fruit.
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