(Brassica rapa) This variety was the star of a Napa trial at our home farm years back, and we are happy to offer the seed to you as it is not very common in the trade anymore. Stocky heads can grow enormous when summer/fall sown and in our seed grow-out a few years back, proved to head up reasonably well even from spring plantings. A resilient napa for all your kimchi cravings!
80 days. UO, MP
Packet: 100 seeds
*This seed has tested negative for both Black Leg (Phoma lingam) and Black Rot (Xanthomonas campestris) as required by the WA Dept of Ag crucifer seed quarantine.
Growing Info
Sow indoors in early Spring-Summer for Fall-Winter harvests.
Transplant out 4-6 week-old plants.
Direct seed May to mid-July.
Note: Seedlings will tolerate light frosts, but Napa tends to bolt if temps are below 50F for over a week. Napa does best transplanted in late summer.
18-24″ in rows 18-30″ apart.
4-10 days @ soil temp 60-75F.
Full sun to part shade
Moderate-Heavy. Slow-release fertilizers are beneficial for extended harvests of bunching greens. Prefers well-drained, evenly moist soil with moderate, balanced fertility and a pH between 6.0-7.5.
Prefers cooler season.
Handle roots gently when transplanting.
Cold-hardy and will survive moderate frost.
Floating row covers can help protect against flea beetles.
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