(Raphanus sativus) Sow em’ in late Summer and harvest in the Fall because they’ll bolt if you don’t! There’s nothing better than going to the garden in the Fall to enjoy vegetables that are holding perfectly in the cool shortening days and not suffering because you haven’t yet gotten around to harvesting them. You’re welcome. Gorgeous 5-7” long green and white bicolor vegetable? You’re welcome. Also, kimchi and sweet/spicy fresh eating? You’re welcome. And spineless plants? You’re welcome. Enjoy our first new radish addition in 10 years! There are so many reasons why radish is becoming so popular! Our radish kimchi from these is spectacular!
50-60 days. UO
Packet: 2g (~160 seeds)
*This seed has tested negative for both Black Leg (Phoma lingam) and Black Rot (Xanthomonus campestris) as required by the WA Dept of Ag crucifer seed quarantine.
[split]Growing Info
Direct sow in late Summer.
Note: Summer sown, Fall harvested.
4-6″ at 18″ between rows.
3-7 days @ soil temp 65-85F
Full sun to part shade
Moderate. Prefers well-drained, evenly moist, crumbly, and well-balanced fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.
Loose and deep soil will result in long, straight roots!
Floating row covers will help to prevent damage from flea beetles and cabbage root maggots.
Stores up to 3 months.
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